President's Message from District Council
This month marks a momentous occasion for our section. Late last September, Pat Luke and Ellen Dunbar came to visit our section to see...

The Art of Self Assignment
D. Brent Walton from db Walton - Capturing Beauty www.dbwalton.com Brent has been interested in photography from age 11. It all started...

How to Price Your Photography
Want to learn how to price your photography and make bigger post session sales? Check out Northern NY Professional Photographers (NNYPP).

Learning from "The Challenge"
While attending PPSCNY'S meetings, we were inspired to create our own Monthly Challenges. Our May Challenge was " Macro Photography."...

Penny Kring: "Lighting 10"
We are so thankful that Penny Kring from “Heath Photography” invited us into her studio to share some wisdom! You can visit Penny's...

Post Production Workflow in Lightroom
Jennifer bought her very first DSLR camera in 2006 but has been in the professional photography business since 2008! It started all the...

Ellen Dunbar : “Posing; A Small Change Can Make a Dramatic Difference”
Our guest speaker Ellen and Mark Dunbar from “Auntie El’s Video and Photography” www.auntielsphoto.com Ellen and Mark Dunbar have been in...

What I have learned so far...
I have learned that even at the state level there are photographers who are reaching out and wanting to share their talents and help me grow

NNYPP Constitution Meeting
We are so excited to see what this next year brings! Our yearly program calendar is already in the works, our monthly meetings are set to go