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What I have learned so far...

I have been encouraged to write a blog and I have to say, I am a little intimidated. I have never written a blog, what if I spell something wrong, use the wrong punctuation, what if I ramble on, what should I title it. Just a few things on my mind as I sit and stare at this terrorizing white screen.

I guess I will start with who I am in the photography world. I am a very green photographer, 2004 is the first time I touched a DSLR, but it wasn’t until 2008 that I really started to use it regularly and it wasn’t until 2013 that I started my business with my partner and best friend, Gabrielle. Even when we decided to start our business we struggled with learning things hand on from other photographers. It was a hush hush type atmosphere. It almost seemed as we asked our questions we were asking for classified information and we didn’t have the clearance for the answers.

At the end of 2014 we stumbled onto a lighting class that was offered as an all-day event where we first learned about PPSNYS - Professional Photographers Society of New York State. This organization opened my eyes to how things should be. I longed for people to talk to about the things I do; lighting, lenses, posing, editing and all those details. With this class I saw that was possible, and then to find out there is an state organization that not only believes this too, but they promote it with all types of programs and support.

On November 30th I was elected President for the Northern Section we fondly call NNYPP. I am so honored to server with some amazing people with a passion to build a network of photographers here in our area. We want to reach out to other photographers and help them where they are, at one time we were all there. When we help each other we all grow and better our craft.

So, in all this what have I learned? I have learned that even at the state level there are photographers who are reaching out and wanting to share their talents and help me grow, and in turn I want to help others grow. I have learned there are others who have a passion that ignites my passion. I have learned there are amazing opportunities everywhere and people who are encouraging and support each of us at every step. I have learned how I can benefit from this organization by being a benefit to someone else. This is where I want to be. I am thankful I get to be a part of something big, but they remember the details are important.

Come learn with me on the creative, inspiring journey.

(Photo: My first time at a State Board Meeting - Front left Allison Merkur, Back left to right Ellen Dunbar, my partner Gabrielle Thomas, Kelvin Ringold and myself. Our new found friends! <3)

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